Learn English Vocabulary & Help the POOR | Eng Vocab| Link 1 |

Vibhishan is meditating when Mandodari comes to him and asks anxiously if the news of Ram breaking seven trees with one arrow is true. Vibhishan answers in affirmative and says that Ram must have given the demonstration of his powers to his friend Sugriv whose wife is also been kidnapped by his own brother Bali and is going to help Ram to beat Ravan along with his vaanar sena. On the other hand, ten headed Ravan is sitting alone and all his other nine heads are praising him adding to his ego and pride. Mandodari is tensed & Vibhishan narrates the story of tapasvini Vedvati who was performing tapasya to get married to Lord Vishnu when Ravan crossing the jungle on his Pushpak Viman sees her and tries to molest her. Vedvati curses Ravan that she will take rebirth and will be the cause of his destruction and sets herself on fire. Vibhishan continues to narrate that what Vedvati had said has come true Vedvati has taken rebirth as Sita in King Janaks house and got married to the reincarnation of Vishnu called Ram Mandodari is worriedSita shows her immense faith & confidence on Ram to Trijata..Ram tells Sugriv to get ready for a fight with Bali again and gives him a garland so that he can distinguish between Bali and him this time. Bali is with his wife Tara, when he hears Sugriv challenging him again. Bali laughs and says that this time he will definitely kill him... Tara gets suspicious of Ram & Laxman backing Sugriv for the war and pleads him not to go for fight today. But Bali is determined to go and kill Sugriv. As he is about to leave, Tara reminds him to wear the swarn mala which Lord Indra had himself given him for the victory in any battle. Bali leaves for the second battle with Sugriv.


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Learn English Vocabulary & Help the POOR | Eng Vocab| Link 1 |