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The Top 100 Web Sites of 2010 - Classics: Shopping

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We try to support local businesses as much as we can, but sometimes it's just impossible to say no to Amazon's almost consistently low prices on, well, everything—movies, music, clothes, milk. Of course, books are still at the heart of the service and likely will be for the foreseeable future, seeing as how the company has more or less dominated the e-book market.

The Consumerist

The Consumerist
Between Web scams, misleading labels, bad customer service, and rampant overbilling, the world of consumer affairs can be a scary place. Fortunately, this Gawker-run run blog is looking out for us little guys and gals. The Consumerist's tagline is "Shoppers bite back." Send along a tip to let the site's team of editors know where to sink their teeth.


Lots of people make lots of cool things, be it clothing, furniture, art, jewelry, toys, and much more—but they often don't know where to sell those wares, and odds are you may not know where to buy them. Etsy is where you can all meet.


You want a deal on a meal? Restaurant.com offers some amazing savings on dinners at the best non-chain joints you can find, with a typical printable coupon offering $25 off the meal. And you only pay $10 (or sometimes less) for it. It's like buying food money, cheap.


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